Software license


We offer a single-user, 1-year license of SafetyBarrierManager for 200 € excl. VAT. Every additional user receives an additional discount of about 20%. We offer a single-user, perpetual license for 500 € excl. VAT. The same discounts for additional users apply as for yearly subscriptions. Perpetual licenses include updates and new versions during the first half year, and discounts for new versions afterwards. Please see the pricelist and upgrade policy for more detail. General conditions apply for 1-year licenses and perpetual licenses: please view the general license agreement (RLEUSL). PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FOR A LICENSE IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THESE CONDITIONS.

If you are interested in obtaining a license, please contact us or our regional partner containing information of:

  • The name and address information of the potential Licensee (official company name or personal name)
  • The number of users (see above)
  • The license duration (1-year or perpetual)


SafetyBarrierViewer is freely available. It has no possibilities for editing and saving safety barrier diagrams, but it gives full access to the information of the diagrams created using SafetyBarrierManager. It is a means to share knowledge in your organisation without the need of a registered license for many users. It is also a means to share your diagrams with your authorities.
Please go to the download page to install the Viewer.